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A visit from Sally Ann Heart

My name is Patrick and I am one of the trainees that was wrote to Sally-Ann Hart and then I met her in December.
After our letter to Sally-Ann Hart, she came to visit us at the farm in December.
She explained to us what happened at the hustings from her perspective. The article she shared on Facebook was more about highlighting the issues that disabled people have and how it is difficult to get employment, rather than her actual views.
She did apologise because she thought that she had hurt the feelings of people with autism and learning disabilities. But despite everything that was said, actually she does care about the lives of people with learning disabilities and autism because of personal experiences of hers that she shared with us.
She said that she absolutely does not think that people with disabilities should be paid less than minimum wage. She said that at the hustings she was trying to explain what the article said, but she should have said what she thought instead.
I met with both Peter Chowney and with Sally-Ann Hart. Both presented themselves in a professional way. They answered the questions with the perspective of their parties without saying anything bad about the other parties. I suppose in the end it depends on how you think the government should raise money for services it provides for people. Both Peter Chowney and Sally-Ann Hart said that their parties had plans to help people, but the ways that their parties think money should be made for this is different.
You can have a difference of political opinion, but that doesn’t mean that you are obligated to talk badly about them. And actually from what I have learnt, especially when it comes to politics, if you are the sort of person who is happy to debate on a topic, you can learn a lot from another person even if you disagree with them.