The Bridge and Jobs Forum are only available to our trainees that graduate from the farm or from the Young People’s Programme. Each course lasts for one year and offers continued support to those who have made the move into paid employment.
The Jobs Forum
The Jobs Forum is the first of the year-long courses. It is primarily focused on developing a deeper knowledge of employment and developing skills based around this such as CV writing, how to prepare for interviews, how to apply to new jobs and how to navigate Job Sites such as Indeed. These skills enable our graduates/leavers to continue their careers and grow and develop in their roles, or have the flexibility to find and apply to other opportunities.
The Bridge
The Bridge is the second year-long course that we offer to our graduates/leavers from Little Gate. The focus is to develop independence around relationships, sexual health, time management, self-advocacy and social skills in and out of the workplace. This has less emphasis on career development, but instead helps with managing personal life and can increase the confidence of those that attend. The Bridge is broken into 6 to 8 week-long courses as opposed to one long course, and each one focuses on a new topic.
Why do we offer these?
Even though our trainees receive support during their time at the farm, on their apprenticeships, or in their jobs, the things that come after that can be hard to navigate. With this in mind, Little Gate doesn’t end the support once a trainee is in paid employment, and they have the chance to continue to learn more skills and have even more independence in their work and personal lives. This is something we take great pride in here at Little Gate, as we wish to leave no one behind!